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Brandywine Bridge to Frogmorton (Distance from)
Brandywine Bridge to Haysend (Distance from)
Brandywine Bridge to the Far Downs (Distance from)
Bywater to Frogmorton (Distance from)
Bywater to Hobbiton (Distance from)
Bywater to the Three-Farthing Stone (Distance from)
Bywater to Waymeet (Distance from)
Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge (Distance from)
Frogmorton to Brandywine Bridge (Distance from)
Frogmorton to Bywater (Distance from)
Haysend to Brandywine Bridge (Distance from)
Hobbiton to Bywater (Distance from)
Hobbiton to Tuckborough (Distance from)
Michel Delving to Waymeet (Distance from)
Southern Marshes to the Western Moors (Distance from)
Three-Farthing Stone to Bywater (Distance from)
Tuckborough to Hobbiton (Distance from)
Waymeet to Bywater (Distance from)
Waymeet to Michel Delving (Distance from)
Western Moors to the Southern Marshes (Distance from)
Westmarch (after the War of the Ring)
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Updated January 3, 2012