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Historic Edain Names - Female
Historic Edain Names - Male
Humans of Gondor - Female
Humans of Gondor - Male
Humans of Numenor - Female
Humans of Numenor - Male
Humans of Rohan - Female
Humans of Rohan - Male
Adanel - A wise woman of the House of Marach who shared her widsom with Andreth.
Andreth - A mortal woman, the descendant of Beor the Old, who had many philosophical discussions with Finrod in Morgoth's Ring.
Baran - Great-grandfather of Andreth.
Belemir - Husband of Adanel.
Beor - Founder of the House of Beor.
Boron - Grandfather of Andreth.
Boromir - Father of Andreth.
Bregor - Brother of Andreth.
Hador - Brother of Adanel.
Bard - The name of many kings of Dale.
Girion - King of Dale and ancestor of Bard of Dale.
Finduilas - Mother of Boromir and Faramir, Wife of Denethor II. Also the name of the Elven daughter of Orodreth.
Firiel - Daughter of King Ondoher of Gondor and wife of Arvedui of Arthedain. Also the name of a hobbit of the Shire, the daughter of Elanor. The name is Quenya for "mortal-woman".
Ioreth - Eldest woman in the Houses of Healing in Minas Tirith.
Lothiriel - Daughter of Imrahil and wife of Eomer of Rohan.
Morwen - Woman of Gondor who married King Thengel of Rohan and became the mother of Theoden and Theodwyn.
Baranor - Father of Beregond.
Beregond - The name of a Ruling Steward of Gondor and the name of a soldier of Gondor during the War of the Ring. The name includes the Sindarin element for "stone".
Bergil - The son of Beregond during the War of the Ring. The name includes the Sindarin name element "gil" or "star".
Boromir - The name of the eleventh Ruling Steward of Gondor and the name of one of the Companions of the Ring.
Castamir - Twenty-second king of Gondor.
Cemendur - Fourth king of Gondor.
Cirion - Twelfth Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Denethor - The name of the tenth and twenty-sixth Ruling Stewards of Gondor.
Derufin - An archer killed at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Dior - Ninth Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Duilin - Brother to Derufin and fellow archer. Killed at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields. The name may be Sindarin for "river-song".
Duinhir - Soldier at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields and father of two sons who perished in the same battle. The name is Sindarin for "river-lord".
Ecthelion - The name of the seventeenth and twenty-fifth Ruling Stewards of Gondor. Also the name of an Elf of Gondolin.
Falastur - Twelfth King of Gondor and the first of the Ship-kings. His name is Quenya for "coast-lord".
Faramir - Second son of Denethor II, Steward of Gondor, and husband of Eowyn.
Findegil - A King's Writer who made a copy of the Red Book of Westmarch for the Thain of the Shire.
Hador - Seventh Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Herion - Third Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Hirgon - Messenger of Denethor II. The name is Sindarin for "lord-stone".
Ingold - Soldier of Gondor.
Mablung - A ranger of Ithilien. Also the name of a Elven captain of Thingol. The name means "heavy-hand" in Sindarin.
Turgon - Twenty-fourth Ruling Steward of Gondor.
Ailinel - Sister of Tar-Aldarion
Almarian - Wife of Meneldur
Almiel - Sister of Tar-Aldarion
Ancalimë - 7th ruler and first Ruling Queen of Númenor, daughter of Aldarion and Erendis
Erendis - Lady of the Westlands and wife of Aldarion the Mariner
Inzilbêth - Descendant of Tar-Calmacil and wife of Telemnar. She was secretly one of the Faithful
Irildë - Daughter of Cemendur and sister of Hallatan
Isilmë - Sister of Meneldur
Lindissë - Daughter of Axantur and granddaughter of Nolondil
Lindôrië - Mother of Inzilbêth and descendant of the Lords of Andúnië
Mairen - Daughter of Tar-Amandil
Míriel - Daughter of Tar-Palantir (Inziladûn). She would have ruled as Ruling Queen but Pharazôn, son of Gimilkhâd, forced her to marry him and he took the throne as Ar-Pharazôn
Nessanië - Sister of Hallacar
Núneth - Mother of Erendis
Silmarien - Sister of Meneldur
Telperien - 10th ruler and 2nd Ruling Queen of Númenor
Tindómiel - Daughter of Elros
Vanimeldë - 16th ruler and third Ruling Queen
Vardilmë - Daugher of Vardamir and granddaughter of Elros
Yávien - Daughter of Nolondil and granddaughter of Vardamir
Zamîn - An old country woman of Númenor
Note: The names of the kings may be throne names rather than birth or "right" names.
Adûnakhôr - Adûnaic name of Tar-Herunúmen
Alcarin - 17th king
Amandil - The third king, son of Vardamir
Anardil - King who ruled under the name of Tar-Aldarion, the mariner king
Anarion - Son of Tar-Ancalimë, 8th king of Númenor
Ancalimon - 14th king. During his time the rift between those who followed the king and those who were friends of the Elves widened
Anducal - Tar-Anducal was the name taken by Herucalmo when he briefly took the throne
Ardamin - 19th king
Ardamir - Son of Axantur and grandson of Nolondil
Atanalcar - Son of Elros
Atanamir - 13th king. In his time people first spoke about breaking the ban of the Valar
Aulendil - Son of Vardamir
Axantur - Son of Nolondil and grandson of Vardamir
Beregar - Husband of Núneth and father of Erendis
Caliondo - Son of Eärendur
Calmacil - 18th king
Cemendur - Son of Axantur and ancestor of Hallacar
Ciryatan - 12th king who began to oppress the people of Middle Earth
Eärendur - Son of Tar-Amandil
Elatan - Father of Valandil, Lord of Andúnië
Elendil - Fourth king and son of Tar-Amandil
Falassion - 22nd king, he took an Adûnaic throne name
Gimilkhâd - Younger brother of Tar-Palantir and father Gimilzôr - Adûnaic name of Tar-Telemnar
Hallacar - Husband of Ancalimë and son of Hallatan
Hallatan - Sheep-Lord and kinsman of Tar-Aldarion
Henderch - A sailor
Herucalmo - Husband of Tar-Vanimeldë, who ruled after her as Tar-Anducal
Herunúmen - 20th king, who took the throne under the Adûnaic name of Ar-Adûnakhôr
Hostamir - 21st king, he took an Adûnaic throne name
Inziladûn - Birth name of the 24th king. Inziladûn was a friend of the Elves and he took the throne name of Tar-Palantir.
Irimon - "Right name" of Tar-Meneldur
Isilmo - Second child of Tar-Súrion and father of Tar-Minastir
Malantur - Son of Caliondo and grandson of Eärendur
Mámandil - Name taken by Hallacar when he wooed Ancalimë
Manwendil - Son of Elros
Meneldur - Númenorean scholar and fifth king of Númenor. His birth name was Irimon
Minastir - 11th king and son of Isilmo. Sent aid to Gil-galad in the first war against Sauron
Nolondil - Son of Vardamir
Orchaldor - Husband of Ailinel and father of Soronto
Oromendil - Son of Nolondil and grandson of Vardamir
Pharazôn - 25th and last king of Númenor
Sakalthôr - Adûnaic name of Tar-Falassion
Soronto - Nephew of Tar-Aldarion
Súrion - 9th ruler of Númenor
Telemmaitë - 15th king
Telemnar - 23rd king, he took an Adûnaic throne name, he was a great enemy of those who befriended the Elves
Ulbar - A shepherd
Valandil - Lord of Andúnië
Vardamir - Son of Elros and the second king of Númenor
Vëantur - Father of Almarian, Captain of the King's Ships
Zimrathon - Adûnaic name of Tar-Hostamir
Eowyn - A shield-maiden of Rohan and sister of Eomer, Wife of Faramir, Lady of Ithilien.
Hild - Daughter of Gram, sister of King Helm and mother of King Frealaf. Compare with the female hobbit name, Hilda.
Theodwyn - Mother of Eomer.
Baldor - Son of King Brego.
Brego - Second King of Rohan, father of Baldor.
Brytta - The Eleventh King of Rohan.
Ceorl - A Rider of Rohan.
Deor - Seventh King of Rohan.
Deorwine - Killed in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Dernhelm - The name used by Eowyn at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
Eomer - Eighteenth King of Rohan.
Eomund - Father of Eomer and Eowyn.
Eorl - First King of Rohan.
Eothain - A man of Rohan.
Fastred - Son of King Folcwine.
Fengel - Fifteenth King of Rohan.
Folca - Thirteenth King of Rohan. Compare with the hobbit name, Folco.
Folcred - Son of King Folcwine.
Folcwine - Fourteenth King of Rohan.
Frea - Fourth King of Rohan.
Frealaf - Tenth King of Rohan.
Galmod - Father of Grima.
Gamling - Leader of soldiers during the War of the Ring.
Garulf - Rode with Eomer.
Gleowine - Theoden's minstrel.
Goldwine - Sixth King of Rohan.
Gram - Eighth King of Rohan.
Grima - Counsellor to King Theoden.
Grimbold - Marshal of Rohan.
Guthlaf - Banner - bearer of Theoden. His name means "survivor of the battle". He died at Pelennor Fields.
Haleth - Son of King Helm. Also the name of a female chief of the Haladin.
Hama - The name of a son of King Helm and the name of a man killed at the Battle of the Hornburg.
Helm - Ninth King of Rohan.
Herubrand - Killed at Pelennor Fields.
Horn - Killed at Pelennor Fields.
Leod - Father of Eorl.
Leofa - Means "beloved" - A nickname for Brytta, King of Rohan.
Thengel - Sixteenth King of Rohan.
Theoden - Seventeenth King of Rohan.
Hobbit Companion
The Letters of JRR Tolkien, ed. Humphrey Carpenter, Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.
The Lord of the Rings. JRR Tolkien.
Unfinished Tales: The Lost Lore of Middle-Earth, JRR and Christopher Tolkien, New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.
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